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Event Calendar

February - 2025

New Covenant Fellowship of Churches

New Covenant Fellowship of Churches is an apostolic fellowship of churches and ministries, that recognize the need for networking, accountability, impartation, resources, and apostolic covering.  We are honored to have Apostle Willie Smith as our Visionary, Apostle and spiritual father, who provides apostolic covering, counsel and covenant relationship for men and women of God who sense a divine connection.

N.C.F.C is not a denomination nor is it intended to be.  It is a fellowship of interdenominational churches that are committed to advancing the Kingdom of God spiritually, socially and economically, as well as being an advocate of practical living.

N.C.F.C. is established upon the foundation of covenant relationship and accountability between a spiritual father, a pastor, leader or sons designed to create an atmosphere of love, nourishment, wisdom, counsel and spiritual insight.

Our mission is to help empower churches to territorially dominate their regions, equip and release sons and daughters to fulfill their divine purposes in their respective spheres of influence.

N.C.F.C. will assist in ordinations of pastors, ministers, elders and other ministry gifts as stated in Ephesians 4:7-13, as well as planting new ministries and churches to advance the Kingdom of God.

Benefits of Being a New Covenant Fellowship Church
  • Apostolic Covering
  • Apostolic Pastoral Training
  • Leadership Development Training
  • Ordination/Licensing
  • Fellowship Among Covenant Churches
  • Counseling
  • Community Development
  • Quarterly Newsletter
  • The N.C.F.C. will impact your meetings/conferences with their presence and finances
  • Access to financial advice and help for Fellowship churches in good standing


Being a minister or pastor, you will experience unfamiliar challenges within the ministry. These experiences are God’s divine opportunities for your personal growth and development. During these challenges you will need a medium for fellowship, encouragement and support. New Covenant Fellowship of Churches seek to provide support and encouragement for leaders and ministers to fulfill their prophetic destiny.

The purpose of a spiritual covering or an apostolic oversight is to provide a shield and protection from many of the pitfalls of ministry in the natural and spiritual realms. A spiritual covering or an apostolic oversight also helps to enrich and enhance the level of anointing associated with a church or ministry.

Through a committed relationship with an overseer or apostle, the covenant pastors and their congregations will experience an apostolic and prophetic move of God to refresh and to encourage them as they do the work of the kingdom. They will also witness a greater release of the anointing and the operation of the gifts of the Spirit in their services. Overseers and apostles are associated with churches and ministries to bring them a certain level of blessing and spiritual maturity. This is the heart of a spiritual covering or an apostolic oversight.

Many churches/ministries are discovering the importance of relating to apostles and overseers who may not have pioneered the church, but they provide a rich source of wisdom and strength through an ongoing relationship. This is accomplished when a church/ministry moves beyond merely having fellowship with an overseer or apostle. They will begin to identify with the overseer or apostle, to recognize a need for spiritual oversight, and to build a relationship of trust with an apostolic ministry.


In vision, helping to define it, refine it and articulate it.
In doctrine, to help deal with doctrinal issues confronting a church or causing division in the church.  In church discipline, this is especially helpful in difficult cases to avoid personal attacks against leadership when a member needs discipline.


This is to provide an atmosphere of safety and security for both the pastor and the people.

To protect the people

If a leader falls into error or sin or becomes dictatorial, the congregation knows they have someone to appeal to, helping to avoid a church split.

To protect the pastor

At times the Pastor needs someone to speak on his/her behalf against false accusations.


Having apostolic covering gives the pastor someone to be accountable to, someone to talk to and relate to.


Apostolic covering can be used to confirm and ordain leaders and other 5-fold gifts in the church. Having someone else to interview and confirm candidates for ministry can provide an objective view that is often missing in independent churches.


Visits by the apostolic covering can bring encouragement and blessing to a local church.


An apostolic covering doesn't work unless there is a level of commitment by the overseer, pastors, and congregations. Overseers and apostles must be available and accessible to the covenant churches and ministries. Every pastor knows the value and importance of commitment in their local church. A level of commitment is also needed for those who choose to be in covenant with New Covenant Fellowship of Churches.

What's Expected of You

Spiritual Support

We expect you to pray for New Covenant Fellowship of Churches and their leaders and all that pertains to them, and that God will continue to give unto them the spirit of wisdom and revelation of all that pertains to the Kingdom of God and His people.

Financial Support

We expect you to financially support New Covenant Fellowship of Churches with a monthly contribution of your choice to help with Kingdom building in various regions.

Physical Support

We expect your attendance at the events held each year that are designed for spiritual growth such as the Advancing the Kingdom Conference and the Leadership Conference.